WarsAndRumorsOfWars + IsraelAtWar + BeginningOfBirthPains + Matthew_24.3-8



WarsAndRumorsOfWars + IsraelAtWar + BeginningOfBirthPains + Matthew_24.3-8


The Whole Armour of God and the Wiles of the Devil

WarsAndRumorsOfWars + IsraelAtWar + BeginningOfBirthPains + Matthew_24.3-8

Wednesday April 12th,
In the Year of Our Lord 2023.

Understanding Matthew 24.3-8 + Wars and Rumors of Wars + The Beginning of Birth Pains

The teachings of Jesus have been a source of inspiration and guidance for millions of people around the world for centuries. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus shares important insights about the signs of His coming and the end of the age in response to His disciples’ question. One significant passage that has caught the attention of many is Matthew 24.3-8, where Jesus speaks about wars and rumors of wars as the beginning of birth pains. Let’s delve into this passage and uncover its deeper meaning.

The scene is set on the Mount of Olives, where Jesus is sitting with His disciples, who come to Him privately, seeking answers about the timing of certain events. They ask Him, “Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24.3, NASB). Jesus proceeds to share important insights that shed light on the events that will occur before His second coming.

In verse 4, Jesus cautions His disciples to be vigilant and not be misled by false prophets or false messiahs who may claim to be Him. He warns them that many will come in His name, deceiving people and leading them astray. This is a reminder to be discerning and not to easily believe everything that is presented in the name of Jesus.

In verses 5 and 6, Jesus speaks of wars and rumors of wars. He acknowledges that there will be conflicts and unrest in the world. However, He tells His disciples not to be alarmed, as these events must take place but are not yet the end. This is a reminder that wars and conflicts are part of the fallen nature of the world, and they should not be interpreted as immediate signs of the end times. Jesus is preparing His disciples to not be anxious or fearful when faced with such situations.

In verse 7, Jesus elaborates further on the signs of the end times. He speaks of nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom, as well as famines and earthquakes in various places. These are indeed serious and troubling events, but Jesus again emphasizes that these are just the beginning of birth pains. Just as birth pains increase in intensity and frequency as the time of delivery draws near, Jesus is indicating that these events will escalate in intensity and frequency as the end of the age approaches.

Jesus uses the analogy of birth pains to convey the idea that the events leading up to His second coming will be like the labor pains of a woman about to give birth. Birth pains are initially mild and sporadic, but they gradually intensify and become more frequent as the time of delivery approaches. Similarly, the events Jesus mentioned, such as wars, rumors of wars, famines, and earthquakes, will increase in intensity and frequency as the end of the age draws near.

It’s important to note that Jesus did not specify a timeline or predict the exact sequence of events leading up to His second coming. Instead, He provided His disciples and all believers with a general understanding of the signs of the end times. He wanted His followers to be prepared, discerning, and not easily swayed by false teachings or misleading events.

So, what does this passage mean for us today? As believers, we should not be consumed by fear or anxiety when we see conflicts, disasters, or unrest in the world. These events, although troubling, are not necessarily immediate signs of the end times, however we are in the end times. Stay focused on Jesus, discern truth from deception, and be vigilant in our faith. The Watchman Ezekiel 33 Dressed for Battle.



TheWholeArmourOfGod.org is Sharing this Video Published by Real Life with Jack Hibbs YouTube Video https://youtu.be/LfXz_VBvYhc Published on Apr 11th 2023 — This video is the only content by Real Life with Jack Hibbs https://jackhibbs.com/

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Matthew 24.3-8 NASB

3 And as He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”

4 And Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will mislead many people. 6 And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pains. New American Standard Bible


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The Whole Armour of God and the Wiles of the Devil
WarsAndRumorsOfWars + IsraelAtWar + BeginningOfBirthPains + Matthew_24.3-8



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