US Intercepts 4 Russian Military Planes - Alaska’s Air Defense Zone

US Intercepts 4 Russian Military Planes – Alaska’s Air Defense Zone

CBN News - China and Russia Can Now Blow up US Satellites - It's Why Space Is the Next Battleground

CBN News – China and Russia Can Now Blow up US Satellites – It’s Why Space Is the Next Battleground

Russia ORDERS Iran Forces to LEAVE Syria Sites

Russia ORDERS Iran Forces to LEAVE Syria Sites

Venezuela Holds WAR GAMES with Russia and China Militaries - Report by Erick Stakelbeck

Venezuela Holds WAR GAMES with Russia and China Militaries – Report by Erick Stakelbeck

China Sends Troops to Russia for Vostok Exercise ` Real America's Voice

China Sends Troops to Russia for Vostok Exercise ` Real America’s Voice

CBN News

News on The 700 Club — May 2nd 2022

Tucker Carlson — How much of the $1B in weapons and resources to Ukraine ended up in Russian hands

The Watchman with Erick Stakelbeck

Russia Suffers MASSIVE Casualties in Ukraine — Iran NEW Missile Threat to Israel — The Watchman with Erick Stakelbeck

Arirang News — ‘Wheat prices jump by 21% and barley by 33% since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine’

Russia seizes second Nuclear Plant — Zelensky accuses Russia of wanting to repeat Chernobyl

RUSSIA INVADES UKRAINE — What Are The Prophetic Implications For Israel — Tom Hughes and Bill Salus

Prophecy Alert! Israel, Russia, Ukraine — with Tom Hughes and Mark Henry February 27th 2022

‘Russia SLAMS Israel’s Control of the Golan Heights’ — Watchman Newscast

How Christians Should Respond to the FBI’s raid of President Trump’s Home = Jack Hibbs

Breaking News from Jack Hibbs February 24th 2022

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