current events

Current Events ~ Earthquake China’s Gansu Province kills at least 111

Matthew_24.3-8 + IndiaOverTakesChina + World'sMostPopulousNation

Matthew_24.3-8 + IndiaOverTakesChina + World’sMostPopulousNation

Wiles of the Devil - Iran's President Raisi visits Beijing

Wiles of the Devil – Iran’s President Raisi visits Beijing

CBN News - China and Russia Can Now Blow up US Satellites - It's Why Space Is the Next Battleground

CBN News – China and Russia Can Now Blow up US Satellites – It’s Why Space Is the Next Battleground

WION - India-China Border Standoff - What comes next - Troops pulled back from a major flashpoint

WION – India-China Border Standoff – What comes next – Troops pulled back from a major flashpoint

China's largest river Yangtze has dried up - WION Palki Sharma reports

China’s largest river Yangtze has dried up – WION Palki Sharma reports

Venezuela Holds WAR GAMES with Russia and China Militaries - Report by Erick Stakelbeck

Venezuela Holds WAR GAMES with Russia and China Militaries – Report by Erick Stakelbeck

China Sends Troops to Russia for Vostok Exercise ` Real America's Voice

China Sends Troops to Russia for Vostok Exercise ` Real America’s Voice

Chinese military violates median line in Taiwan strait

Chinese military violates median line in Taiwan strait

China Imposes Sanctions On Nancy Pelosi and Her Family


At least 30 Chinese Aircraft Entered Taiwanese Airspace– WION

BlazeTV — ‘What Is China Planning in North Dakota’ @Allie Beth Stuckey

Prophecy Update with Tom Hughes ‘ This is Alarming’ A Must See — January 26th 2022

China working on this ‘sci-fi thriller’ — ‘brain control weapons’ — Watch Video December 26th 2021

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