ProphecyUpdate With BrettMeador – April 2023



ProphecyUpdate With BrettMeador - April 2023


The Whole Armour of God and the Wiles of the Devil

ProphecyUpdate With BrettMeador – April 2023 – Israel in Chaos

Saturday April 8th,
In the Year of Our Lord 2023.

The situation in Israel may be one of chaos and unrest, with various political, social, and economic challenges facing the country. From a biblical perspective, the chaos in Israel can be viewed through the lens of both the Old and New Testaments, which provide guidance and insights on how to understand and respond to such situations.

Firstly, the chaos in Israel can be seen as a manifestation of the fallen nature of humanity. According to the Bible, humanity is inherently sinful and prone to disobedience, leading to the brokenness and disorder that we often witness in the world. The chaos in Israel may be a result of human greed, corruption, violence, and other sinful behaviors that have led to divisions and conflicts within the nation. The Bible teaches that all people have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3.23), and the consequences of sin can be seen in the chaos that sometimes plagues societies, including Israel.

Furthermore, the chaos in Israel can also be viewed as a consequence of the misuse of power and failure of leadership. In the Bible, leaders are called to be servants of God and stewards of His people, entrusted with the responsibility to govern justly and lead with integrity. When leaders fail to fulfill their God-given duties, it can result in chaos and suffering for their people. The biblical example of King Solomon, who initially led Israel with wisdom but later succumbed to idolatry and brought chaos upon the nation, serves as a cautionary tale of the consequences of leadership failure (1 Kings 11).

Moreover, the chaos in Israel may also be seen as a reminder of the need for repentance and renewal. In the Bible, God often uses challenging circumstances as a way to call His people back to Himself. The chaos in Israel can be viewed as a wake-up call for the nation to turn away from sin, seek God’s forgiveness, and renew their commitment to obey His commands. The biblical concept of repentance, which involves acknowledging one’s wrongdoing, turning away from it, and returning to God, is a recurring theme throughout Scripture (Acts 3.19, 1 John 1.9). It emphasizes the importance of humility, contrition, and a change of heart in times of chaos and crisis.

Furthermore, the chaos in Israel can also be understood as an opportunity for faith and trust in God. The Bible teaches that God is sovereign and in control of all things, including chaotic situations. He is able to bring order out of chaos and work all things together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8.28). In times of uncertainty and turmoil, the people of Israel, as well as believers in general, are called to trust in God’s wisdom, power, and faithfulness. This includes seeking His guidance through prayer and studying His Word, and relying on His promises and providence to navigate through the chaos.

Additionally, the chaos in Israel can be seen as a call to practice biblical principles of justice, compassion, and reconciliation. The Bible places a strong emphasis on social justice, care for the poor and vulnerable, and promoting peace and harmony among people. The chaos in Israel may be a result of social injustices, economic disparities, and deep-seated conflicts among different groups. As followers of Christ, believers are called to be peacemakers, showing love and compassion to all people, and working towards reconciliation and unity, even in the midst of chaos (Matthew 5.9, Romans 12.18). is Sharing this Video – Prophecy Update | April 2023 | Israel in Chaos – Brett Meador – Published by Athey Creek YouTube Video Published on April 8th 2023 — This video is the only content by Athey Creek.

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The Whole Armour of God and the Wiles of the Devil
ProphecyUpdate With BrettMeador – April 2023 – Israel in Chaos



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