CurrentEvents and WilesOfTheDevil – WarsAndRumorsOfWars – TheWarsInProphecy



The Whole Armour Of God


The Whole Armour of God and the Wiles of the Devil

CurrentEvents and WilesOfTheDevil – WarsAndRumorsOfWars – TheWarsInProphecy – TomHughes and BillSalus

Friday April 7th,
In the Year of Our Lord 2023.


The Wiles of the Devil and the Wars in Prophecy: Understanding Current Events and the Ongoing Wars and Rumors of Wars

As we look at the state of the world today, it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed by the constant stream of news about wars and rumors of wars. From conflicts in the Middle East to tensions between global powers, it seems like the world is always on the brink of another armed conflict. As believers, it’s important to understand these events in the context of biblical prophecy and the wiles of the devil.

One of the most famous prophecies about wars and rumors of wars is found in the Bible, in Matthew 24.6-8. Jesus, speaking to his disciples about the end times, warned that there would be “wars and rumors of wars” before his return. He described these events as the “beginning of birth pains.” Today, we see these birth pains intensifying as conflicts continue to arise in various parts of the world.

The wiles of the devil are evident in these conflicts. The devil seeks to sow discord, hatred, and violence among nations and peoples. He uses fear, greed, and power struggles to instigate conflicts and wars. The devil’s ultimate goal is to create chaos and destruction, disrupt peace and harmony, and lead humanity away from God’s plan for peace and unity.

In many cases, the wars and rumors of wars we see today are driven by political, economic, and ideological factors. Nations and leaders pursue their own interests, often at the expense of others, leading to tensions and conflicts. The pursuit of power, wealth, and resources often takes precedence over seeking peaceful solutions to disputes. The devil manipulates human weaknesses, such as greed and pride, to fan the flames of war and discord.

Moreover, modern technology has also played a role in the escalation of conflicts. Weapons of mass destruction, cyber warfare, and misinformation campaigns have become tools of war in the 21st century. These technological advancements have increased the destructive power of wars and have made it easier for the devil to spread lies and deception, leading to further conflicts.

One area where the wiles of the devil are particularly evident is in the Middle East. The region has been a hotspot for wars and rumors of wars for decades. Conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and other countries have resulted in immense suffering and displacement of innocent civilians. Political, religious, and ethnic tensions have been exploited by the devil to fuel violence and chaos in the region.

The Middle East is also a region of great biblical significance, with many prophecies pointing to events that are currently unfolding. For example, the Bible speaks of a final battle known as Armageddon, which is said to take place in the Middle East. The devil is using the ongoing conflicts in the region to further his plan of deception and destruction, as he seeks to undermine God’s purposes for the Middle East.

As believers, it’s crucial to understand these events in the light of biblical prophecy and the wiles of the devil. We must not be swayed by fear or anxiety, but rather, we should hold on to the hope and promises of God. The Bible teaches us that God is ultimately in control and that his plans will prevail. While wars and rumors of wars may continue to escalate, we can find comfort in knowing that God’s purposes will ultimately be fulfilled.

In light of these events, what should be our response as believers? First and foremost, we should pray for peace and reconciliation. We should pray for the leaders of nations to seek peaceful solutions to conflicts and to resist the devil’s temptations towards violence and war. We should also pray for the innocent victims of wars, such as refugees and displaced persons, and extend practical help and support to them.

I pray for Israel. is Sharing this Video Published by Hope For Our Times YouTube Video Published on April 7th 2023 — This video is the only content by Hope For Our Times

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The Whole Armour of God and the Wiles of the Devil
CurrentEvents and WilesOfTheDevil – WarsAndRumorsOfWars – TheWarsInProphecy – TomHughes and BillSalus




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