Current Events – Airstrikes against Iranian-backed groups



The Whole Armour of God and the Wiles of the Devil

Current Events – Airstrikes against Iranian-backed groups

Friday March 24th,
In the Year of Our Lord 2023.


The U.S. involvement in Syria has been a controversial and complex issue since the country’s civil war began in 2011. The U.S. has pursued a variety of objectives in the country, including supporting the opposition to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, combating the Islamic State (IS), and countering the influence of Russia and Iran in the region.

The U.S. initially provided support to the opposition to al-Assad in the form of non-lethal aid and diplomatic efforts to bring about a political solution to the conflict. However, as the conflict continued and the opposition became more fragmented, the U.S. began providing military aid and training to select rebel groups.

In 2014, the U.S. expanded its involvement in Syria to combat the rise of IS, a militant group that had seized large swathes of territory in Syria and Iraq. The U.S. led a coalition of countries in conducting airstrikes against IS targets in Syria, and also provided support to Syrian Kurdish forces on the ground. This effort was largely successful, and by 2019, the territorial caliphate that IS had established had been largely dismantled.

However, the U.S. involvement in Syria has also been complicated by the interests of other regional and global powers. Russia and Iran have both provided significant support to al-Assad’s government, and have worked to undermine the opposition and the U.S. presence in the country. The U.S. has also had to navigate tensions with Turkey, a NATO ally that has launched military operations against Syrian Kurdish forces that the U.S. supports.

In 2019, the U.S. began a partial withdrawal of its troops from Syria, citing the success of its mission against IS and the need to focus on other global priorities. However, the U.S. has maintained a presence in the country, with approximately 900 troops remaining to provide support to Kurdish forces and to deter Russian and Iranian aggression.

The U.S. involvement in Syria has also raised questions about the legality of its actions under international law. The U.S. has not been authorized by the United Nations Security Council to conduct military operations in Syria, and its support for opposition groups has been seen by some as a violation of Syria’s sovereignty.

Despite the challenges and complexities of the U.S. involvement in Syria, there are arguments for and against continued U.S. engagement in the country. Supporters of continued involvement argue that the U.S. has a responsibility to support the Syrian people in their efforts to establish a democratic government and to prevent the rise of extremist groups. They also argue that the U.S. has a strategic interest in countering Russian and Iranian influence in the region.

Opponents of continued involvement argue that the U.S. has already achieved its primary objective of defeating IS, and that continued involvement risks getting drawn into a broader conflict with Russia and Iran. They also argue that the U.S. has no legal authority to conduct military operations in Syria without a mandate from the United Nations.

In conclusion, the U.S. involvement in Syria has been a complicated and controversial issue with no easy answers. The U.S. has pursued a variety of objectives in the country, including supporting the opposition, combating IS, and countering Russian and Iranian influence. The U.S. has faced numerous challenges in achieving these objectives, including tensions with regional and global powers, and questions about the legality of its actions under international law. Ultimately, the decision of whether to continue U.S. involvement in Syria will depend on a careful weighing of the risks and benefits, and a consideration of the U.S.’s strategic interests and moral responsibilities.


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The Whole Armour of God and the Wiles of the Devil
Current Events – Airstrikes against Iranian-backed groups Sharing this Video Provided by Fox News YouTube Video Published on March 24th 2023

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